

COVID-19 Updates

CAMPAIGN ACHIEVEMENTS: Increased post engagement and page likes

This was an ongoing campaign to raise awareness of State Government COVID-19 measures and their implications for Ipswich residents. The intention was to turn the MP’s Facebook and Instagram pages into reliable hubs of information for locals during a time that was confusing and overwhelming.

The campaign was ran mostly through social media as it could keep up with the fast-paced announcements that were characteristic of this era, but any significant changes were also summarised in the MP’s monthly newsletter. Many social media posts were shared directly from the Premier’s page to keep messaging consistent.

Specific campaigns were additionally run for schools, community groups, and businesses to remind them that the MP was happy to support them where she could.

Click on the email buttons to read examples of COVID-19 updates in newsletters or on any of the embedded post to read the full copy accompanying them:

Email Communications (introduction only)

Social Media Communications